Monday, May 08, 2006

Star Wars Deployed!

From the Weekly Standard.

Aegis equipped naval ships (up to 15 vessels inside 2 years), 8 batteries of theater-ranged anti-missiles, a 747s with an air-borne lasers -- they are all a reality -- TODAY. This is the best news I've had for a long, long time.

" Missile Defense Agency spokesman Rick Lehner calls it "an integrated system of ground, sea and space-based sensors, ground and sea-based radars and an advanced command and control, battle management and communication system designed to detect and track a hostile ballistic missile, then launch and guide an interceptor to destroy the target.""

Even better, a nice list of our closest allies is helping to pay for, site, and deploy the systems. Japan, Australia, Poland, Great Britain, Denmark, India, Italy, even the Germans and, possibly the Canadians may get involved. Only question I have is where the Israelis are.


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