Thursday, September 13, 2007

Vietnam Memorial Vandalized

I have a pretty long fuse, but one thing that will light the volcano underneath is disrespecting the sacrifices made by our veterans in the name of freedom. And the anti-war crowd has apparently decided the way to make their political point in the nations's capital (and elsewhere) is to deface and vandalize some of our most sacred monuments. I have a particular affinity for this monument; I've visted it twice and I am named after one of the brave heroes who died trying to keep Southeast Asia out of the evil hands of Communism.

Link above to more on this story from Michelle Malkin.

via Human Events:

"Col. Harry G. Riley (US Army, Ret.) who is heading up the “Eagles” group — one of the veterans groups coming to Washington to protect the monuments this weekend said “When you see there is some type of a substance on the wall down and on the base for 50 to 60 feet, its pretty hard for me to rationalize how that could be anything other than purposeful…”

“Who ever did this, if they were trying to enrage the Vietnam Veterans, they did,” said Riley. “We have been stomped on and ridiculed and spit on simply because we went when our nation called. It wasn’t that we are pro war — when the nation called we went.”

Vandalism of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial has not occurred since 1989 said Jan Scruggs, who conceived the idea of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall and raised the money to have it built 25 years ago."

This is beneath contempt, utterly dispicable and the cowardly person(s) involved ought to be sent to a real police state (maybe my good buddy Fidel will take them) to see what a real dictatorship feels like.

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