Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tom Osbourne Returns to UNL

via OWH.

Former Husker coach is now teaching Management 467 at UNL to about 50 students.

"He lectured the approximately 50 students about leadership for more than an hour, quoting Aristotle from memory, referencing Warren Buffett and reminiscing about what his 1996 Huskers learned from their 19-0 loss to Arizona State. Mostly he talked about the country's need for strong leadership if Americans want to avoid the fate of the Romans, Greeks and Soviets.

Those societies got lazy, Osborne said, becoming self-absorbed, preoccupied with material wealth and uninterested in helping others. He said he sees the United States stagnating, its populace accepting methamphetamine use and deadbeat dads, its business leaders cooking the books, everyone failing to "tighten their chinstraps" when things get tough."

He ran almost 15 minutes over - but every student stayed. I've met the coach twice - once on campus, another time near his cabin in Ogallalla. Amazing man.

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