Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Greg Gutfeld

Greg has a hilarious post on what the left fears. To sum it up, everything.

among my favorites:

"Fear of all forms of energy except for the ones that don't work"
"Fear of all country singers except for the ones that hate Bush"
"Fear of free speech when it mocks your beliefs.
Fear of free speech when it speaks back to you.
Fear of free speech when it comes from Christians.
Fear of free speech when it comes from me.
Fear that your definition of free speech - that only you get to be heard-- won't fly with us Wal-mart shoppers."
"Fear of school vouchers. Fear that school vouchers will enable poor minority children to attend your children's private schools"


"Fear that you hate the right for the same reason you hate your dad because you know that he is right and that you are a loser and you will always be a loser and that you are sabotaging your life and those of everyone around you because that makes you that angry."

the man is 'effin talented, to be sure. He just nails it.

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