Thursday, August 24, 2006

Senate Bill 2590

Senators Coburn and Obama have a Senate bill pending "that would create a single website with access to information on nearly all recipients of federal funding," according to the Porkbusters website. Great idea whose time is certainly due. Unfortunately, a secret hold has been placed on the legislation, effectively preventing it from moving forward in the Senate. The Porkbusters organization is asking everyone to contact their Senators to ask if they are the one placing the hold. I emailed Senator Hagel today, and will also get to Senator Nelson as well. Twenty-seven of the nation's Senators have cleared themselves so far.

On a related note, still no response from the Terry camp on the earmarks for our district here in NE-2. Previous post here.

UPDATE: Called Senator Nelson's Omaha office, was transferred around a couple of times, wound up being transferred to the DC office, where I was told that the man who would know, Charles Ellsworth(?) was unavailable, but he actually called me back this afternoon both to say that Nelson not only did NOT put the hold on, but supported the bill. Great news. I also got an apparent auto-reply to the email sent to Hagel.

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