Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blogging, Memorial Day & Veterans

Blogging has been a bit light of late, mostly due to my graduate studies interfering with what little free time I have already. With the end of the term in sight, there should be a little more activity here again, although I have to add that there really hasn't been all that much in the news to interest me lately. I started this as a (somewhat) political blog; I've branched out into other things that interest me, mostly sports and truly geeky science issues, and there hasn't been all that much on any of the usual subjects that I truly felt I needed to comment on.

On the other hand, with the Memorial Day holiday approaching, it seems as good a time as any to shill a little for some of my favorite charity outfits. Being a veteran, I am particularly vulnerable to requests by groups asking for assistance in the the support of our finest citizens, often injured in the prime of life serving to protect us all. I am also concerned about supporting the troops today serving far from home as well, like my brother-in-law now serving in Iraq, and try to help groups concerned with the today's troops and their families.

So, if you feel as I do that the tribulations and sacrifices undergone by those who serve in the cause of freedom are well worth the costs, then I would humbly ask you to contribute to any of the groups below, if you are able, to the maximum extent that you can afford. I would also encourage you to examine the organization's websites further for information about the good work that they do.

Thank you for helping others who've made, and continue to make, tremendous sacrifices for all the rest of us in the name of freedom around the globe.

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) - Contribute here.

Help Hositalized Veterans (HHV) - Contribute here.

Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) - Contribute here.

Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) - Contribute here.

United Service Organization (USO) - Contribute here.

Soldier's Angels - Contribute here.

Coaltion to Support America's Heroes (CSAH) - Contribute here.

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