Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gingrich & Steel Candidates for RNC Chair

Ralph Hallow at the Washington Times reports on rumors that former House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich and former Maryland Lt. Gov Michael Steel are quietly vying for the job of Republican Committee Chair.

"Neither man will acknowledge his interest in the post, but Republicans close to each are burning up the phone lines and firing off e-mails to fellow party members in an effort to oust RNC Chairman Mike Duncan in the wake of the second consecutive drubbing of Republican candidates at the polls.

A bevy of backers for each man, neither of whom is an RNC member, say the committee needs a leader who can formulate a counter-agenda to President-elect Barack Obama's administration and articulate it on the national stage."

Michael Duncan, the current chair is still considering whether or not to run for the position again. Gingrich is denying his interest, stating he was focused on American Solutions and the Center for Health Transformation, two policy think tanks. Steel is current head of GOPAC, a Republican fund raising group.

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