Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Shuttle Mission


Sapcewalk repairs to the ISS are completed, although not without a few tense moments and a some difficulties.

"Astronauts Piers Sellers and Michael Fossum started their 6 1/2-hour spacewalk by removing a severed cable reel from a crucial railcar on the space station with a simple pull. The cable provides power, video and data to the car. "We're getting a workout," Fossum said.
But then Sellers had problems placing the removed cable reel into the shuttle's payload bay. Next, a gun device that anchors spacewalkers nearly came loose; Sellers and Fossum were able to repair it in about half an hour. Finally, Fossum had trouble installing the new cable reel, even with Sellers helping. After much wrangling, the astronauts completed their tasks and started the lengthy process of cleaning up just under six hours into their spacewalk."

The shuttle mission is now eight days into its planned 12 day mission, has accomplished all of its major mission objectives, and the orbiter has been cleared by space agency engineers for a landing planet-side scheduled for July 17.

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