Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mexican Election

Been meaning to comment more on the Mexican Presidential election and the "parallel" government being established by losing candidate Andres Obrador. After losing his appeal to the Mexican Electoral Court, which found little or no evidence of the fraud claimed by Obrador, his supporters held protests in the Mexican capital throughout the month of August and generally made a nuisance of themselves, but support appears to be faltering and he has decided to reengage in the political process since he apparently can't shut down the country by threat of violence.

"There will still be protests but fears of major unrest or violence have eased in recent days as Lopez Obrador has apparently opted for an organized political movement to challenge Calderon rather than cause chaos on the streets. Supporters voted to swear Lopez Obrador in at a ceremony on November 20, just days before Calderon takes power. Lopez Obrador said he would name ministers to his parallel government and that it would operate from voluntary donations. "

Felipe Calderon, the new president-elect, will take office in December.

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