Monday, November 06, 2006

3rd District - Adrian Smith

Link to his campaign's website Issues page.

Apologies for not getting this out sooner.

Former Gering city council member and state senator, Smith leads off his issues with agriculture, probably the most important industry in the 3rd. Talks well on expanding trade, biotechnology, alternative crops and the biggie, ethanol production. Good point not expressed elsewhere on biotech.

OOOOH, goes on to talk about LIMITED GOVERNMENT, and how the Founding Fathers had a vision of a society maximazing freedom. Good stuff, down to basic philosophy.

He actually has the chops to mention Cost of Government Day -- July 7 this year. "Half of the year indentured to the state is too long." Homerun. Permanent taxcuts, repeal the death tax, change the tax code to promote investment, all outstanding.

Energy, talks about ethanol, alternatives, and safe responsible drilling. Good stuff again.

Against embryonic stem cell funding, partial birth abortion, pro-adult cell research and umbilical cord research.

For the Defense of Marriage Act, not my issue, but wants the legislatures to decide it, not the courts, which IS my issue. The people's representatives should make the call here.

Pro Second Amendment, pro-concealed carry, one of the leaders of the legislative fight at the state level. Points out gun control legislation just empowers criminal activity.

On national security, supports the war on terrorists, Iraq and the Patriot Act. Pro-border enforcement. Pro-ballistic missile defense (YES!). Supports Taiwan, another resounding YES!

On healthcare,against a national system, points out the failures of Western Europe and Canada. Wants more flexibility in healthcare choices. Not sure here, but sounds like he'd support HSA's.

Immigration - he's for reforming LEGAL immigration to make it easier, pro-border enforcement, and rightly points out the costs associated with Illegals. More good stuff here.

REALLY good stuff here, particularly on ag, trade, foreign and defense policy, and taxes. You certainly know where you stand with this guy, he pulls no punches and really doesn't equivicate on anything, unlike his opponent. While I don't agree with everything (I really don't think we need a constitutional amendement on marriage), I do agree on both basic philosophy and a number of important issues.

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