Thursday, November 30, 2006

Science - Ancient Man

The oldest known human ritual sight has been discovered in Botswana. The statue of a python, as tall as a man and 20 feet long was discovered, along with spearpoints that are thought to be 70,000 years old, taking human ritual ceremonies back further than 30,000 years more than previously known, and showing that humans orgaqnized and had capacity for abstract thinking much earlier than was theorized. More amazingly, the local SAN tribed have modern legends about pythons relating to the site.

"The discovery was made in a remote region of Botswana called Tsodilo Hills, the only uplifted area for miles around. It is known to modern Sanpeople as the "Mountains of the Gods" and the "Rock that Whispers." Their legend has it that mankind descended from the python, and the ancient, arid streambeds around the hills are said to have been created by the python as it circled the hills in its ceaseless search for water."

Inside the cave are also paintings of a giraffe and an elephant, both also important mythological animals to the local San tribes, and there is a legend of a giraffe rescuing a trapped python.

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