Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another Point of View

Dwight Lee @ TCS Daily.

A little bit of praise for the oft maligned internal combustion engine, which, of course is a bane of evil to most environmental groups. However, as Lee points out, these marvels of technology prevent an even greater evil - animal powered pollution, which can cause a host of health concerns.

"The air and water pollution from horse manure contributed to a death rate far greater than that generated by the pollution from cars and trucks. No one denies that photochemical smog from gas powered vehicles is a health risk, but it is not nearly the health risk of cholera, typhoid, typhus, yellow fever, diphtheria and malaria. These diseases killed tens of thousands of Americans in the early 20-century and these deaths began to decline as cars and trucks replaced horses and wagons."

Added to this health benefit is the fact that livestock also produce methane, one of the worst of the various greenhouse gasses, and an objective mind might think that machine driven technology is an even greater boon. Oh, wait, I said an objective mind, not a true believer in the global warming religion sweeping the planet.

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