Thursday, March 29, 2007

Newt on Iran

Hugh Hewitt inteviews Newt Gingrich, who has a fantastic idea on how to solve the Iranian hostage issue. (Boy, I had always hoped never to put those words together - "Iranian hostage" on the blog. Shows how much of an optimist I truly am.)

"HH: Now let’s get to the first major issue of the day, which is Iran. Mr. Speaker, if the United Kingdom feels obliged to use force, if diplomacy fails to get their people back, will you applaud?

NG: I think there are two very simple steps that should be taken. The first is to use a covert operation, or a special forces operation to knock out the only gasoline producing refinery in Iran. There’s only one. And the second is to simply intercede by Naval force, and block any tankers from bringing gasoline to Iran…"

I had heard a while back that while Iran produces millions of barrels of oil, there was only one gasoline refinery in the entire country. Kudos to Newt for an innovative solution to the crisis. He also states he would threaten it quietly at first to allow the Iranians to save a little face, while making damn well sure that they knew good and well we would do it.

On another note, I probably wouldn't vote for Newt for President, (unless the alternative was Hillary) but I think he'd make a most excellent Secretary of State, particularly when he shows such a sophisticated understanding of our enemies.

1 comment:

Hanley Family said...

I knew there was something about Newt I liked. I liked him as Speaker of the House, but that was when I was in college and there was something kind of fun and rebellious about being a Republican at the time on a campus known for its liberal leanings. The more outspoken Newt was, the more interesting it was.

We even had an "underground" campus news paper, The Mt. Oread Review, that was quite conservative. It was hard to get a hold of, though. As soon as they were delivered, they were gathered up by some unknown party and re-delivered to the trash can.