Friday, March 30, 2007

Iraq Funding Bill

Today's Wall Street Journal rightly blasts the Democratic Congress on the pork-laden Iraq funding bill that the president has promised to veto for weeks. (via RCP).

"The spectacle qualifies as a textbook example of why Congress can't be trusted to micromanage, much less lead, a war. It's a committee of Lilliputians whose main contribution is to tie down the President so that his policy fails. Few bills deserve a veto as much as this one. And once Mr. Bush dispatches it, we hope Congress will fulfill the one war power it does have, which is to appropriate enough money so our troops can accomplish their mission."

While the troops wait for their money in the middle of a ground war, the Democrats engage in political theater of the most hypocritical sort. The bill is supposed to be emergency funding for the war, but comes out of Congress laden with agricultural subsidies, pet projects and domestic spending of the worst kind. Worse, setting deadlines for withdrawal from Iraq hearten our enemies and endanger our own troops. Thank you, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

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