Monday, April 10, 2006

Governor's Race

Good article on Nabity here from the OWH. While I like some of his ideas, I still don't think he stands a chance, and some of the ideas could stand a little more development. Particularly where he would cut the state budget.

Also, on the Democratic side, the "alternative" candidate, Glenn Booth, Jr. is apparently ineligible to run because of a 1980 felony conviction -- story here. The Democratic party apparatus (such as it is in NE) of course blames the Sec. of State for not checking into Booth's record, but there is no state law requiring such. And the deadline for filing eligibility challenges passed some time ago -- over a month ago in fact. Of course, they don't want their chosen candidate, Lincolnite David Hahn, to have to spend any money on a primary fight. Of course, the governor could pardon him and he would be eligible again. That would not only be funny, but a pretty astute move on the gov's part.

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