Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Kramer Endorsements & 3rd District House Race

15 State Senators endorse Kramer in the primary. Of course, the Unicameral is officially non-partisan, and, just as obviously, Kramer is the former state chair of the Republican party. On another note, Stenberg is still pouting the 2 other candidates won't play by rules he set.

On the 3rd District race, OWH covers a Kearney ag forum held Monday here that gathered all six candidates (5 Rep and Dem. Scott Kleebs). The Club for Growth endorsement for Adrian Smith gets some mention by little known Dave Harris. Smith takes a swipe at Dave Hanson for being paid to travel on Osbourne's behalf. Hanson puts Dem. candidate Kleebs on notice that freshman Congressman don't make committee demands on arrival, a silly statement by young Kleebs to be certain. Jay Vavricek took a bit different approach on the water issue, saying the Feds should partner with the states while everyone else agreed it was a local issue.

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