Thursday, March 30, 2006

Chinese Harvesting Prisoner's Organs

From National Review.

Also see the Washignton Times article here.

While the idea that Communist governments routinely torture their own citizens may be a surprise to some, it is a fact. The Czechs know, and remember. So do the Poles, East Germans, and the Romanians. You would like to think that Amnesty and associated groups would raise an unholy ruckus over something like this, but you would be wrong -- they instead are screaming about Haliburton, Blood for Oil and the liberation of nearly 50 million Muslims.

The thing that disturbs me the most is the silence. We can't afford to make our Chinese or Cuban friends angry, can we? Business is business, there are markets to be untapped! Some, but very few, are paying attention. Of course, the Chinese don't just pick on Fulan Gong practitioners, but Tibetans, Muslim Uigurs and just about any other minority group. If this is true, and I think it likely that it is, it will be compared with Nazi Europe -- as well it should.

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